This blog is dedicated to hunting edible wild mushroom in Mid-Missouri. I am by no means an expert, so these ramblings and musings reflect my opinions based on a lot of research and experience. I cannot stress enough, always be certain that you have properly identified any mushroom before eating it. Remember when in doubt throw it out.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Some Report Photos
One of my favorite things about this time of year is seeing all the report photos with happy hunters. Take the one sent in above from Elizabeth and her daughter Claire from St. Charles County. There is nothing better than the look on a child's face when they find their first mushroom.
Even adults get the look when they find their first of the year. Here is Jon's better half Nancy who went out hunting with us today. Found about 25 between us. Not many out there but the ones that are left are getting pretty big as you can see below. With the hot weather coming later this week, it may mark an early end for the season in the bottoms at least.
Great blog, thanks for posting this