Now before you gas up the car and head south to get in an early hunt or two, let me just warn you by saying these early finds are relatively small. If you are wanting to go on a road trip to find the motherload, you had better head farther south (like to Oklahoma or Texas). The report from Joplin was of three whole morels and my buddy near Cape didn't even pick any of the ten or so blacks that he found because they were all still well under 1/2 inch in size. You can't rush a slowly developing season like this and just have to be patient unless you have the freedom and time to travel, like Camoshroomer did last year when he headed out to Georgia to get his first fill.
Anyway, things seem to be right on time maybe just a 3 or 4 days behind. I expect if we get some good warm days in a row with day time highs above 70 and nighttime lows about 50, then the ground and the morels will really start to heat up, so dust off those old hunting clothes and get them all treated with pyrethrum because it won't be long now. I hope to find my first on Friday (April 2) if I can manage it.
Happy hunting and please keep those reports coming in.
My close buddy from Maryland is coming out to visit me for a week. He really wants to try out mushroom hunting and see what my rave has been all about and take his experience back home.
ReplyDeleteWe had to choose which week in April was the best shot and ended up doing the 10th through the 17th. It was either that week or the 17th through 24th. I've been a bit anxious as this period is fast approaching hoping that I picked the week with the best chances for Mid Mo.
Last year it seemed that they came early and quick and I couldn't find any fresh ones later in April whereas the year before I found tons in the last half of April up until the beginning of May.
Keeping my fingers crossed and I figure its better to get out a little early with my buddy then get out too late. =)