Sunday, April 03, 2011

Mid-MO Is a Go

I was busy doing all the things I had neglected after heading to Oklahoma to hunt, but Camoshroomer got out in the 90 degree heat down near Jeff City and sent a few photos. They are here and this warm day got them growing enough to finally see them poking out. I have to work Monday and Tuesday but I hope to be picking my first Missouri morels on Wednesday.

Keep those reports coming. David S. from south of St. Louis found some "reds" on Friday and I saw reports on the boards yesterday of small grays being found in St. Louis County. Keep those eyes peeled if you are out. They are very small and just starting to peak out. Next week should be the start of a few weeks of good picking, as long as the it doesn't get too hot or suddenly go into a late hard freeze. Time to get ready.


  1. I'm waking up early tomorrow morning to go for a hike, hopefully I find something!

  2. Oh, I am going to be all over those here in a day or two.

  3. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Went to Robertsville SP, found a few devil's urn, mayapples still look like candles. Going to be a few more days up here.

    Feral Boy
